Black and White rocks!
they just do...even though they lack colour(d-uh) but they manage to say everything the artist intends to. I recently went clicking B & W snaps on a SLR. It was an awesome experience. Nashik was the city which we chose for our shoot. Went to Pandolini Caves, Trimbakeshwar, Gangapur Dam and the Panchvati-Ramkund.
It's my birth place, and yet I did not know so much about the city!
and a Black and White lens just made it better. My favorite subjects were portraits, objects with dark and light patterns, and plants. I will upload a couple of pics very soon. Another thing that the SLR checks is your-patience! Yes, one needs to be very patient with the equipment, checking the shutter speed, aperture settings to make sure the film is not under exposed or over exposed. A digital camera is nothing but spoon feeding. A digital SLR will be interesting to handle but thats a long way, of only I could lay my hand on one...then mooohahahaha...I will go and SHOOT. and shoot SOME MORE.
I love photography. Simply love it. It's my passion.