Jun 25, 2006

Duniya jhol hai

This write up is inspired by something which ocurred yesterday, more like something I hrd abt....
It is really funny how MOST people don't have anything much to do in life and start gossiping about other people.
Infact, their life revolves around it.."she did this"..."she did that"...etc etc...
God! give yourself a break people...go find some constructive activity for yourself rather than demolishing a person's image.
90% of the time the information is false, and even if it is true it is garnished with the most exquisite type of mirch masala so that when the news reaches the next person's ear it is made sure that it is not the same as the previous person heard.
People are creative, they create new situation in an already existing circumstance, and toss it to the next person, whoever it might be.
People are jealous...this entire summer of 2006 is a learning lesson for me which I will never forget. They just can't see you happy, everybody on the surface will smile, greet you cordially, and all that nonsense, but it is JUST SUPERFICIAL. There is not even 0.00001% truth i it. Inside they will be burning with jealousy, hoping that something soud go wrong in that person's life, hoping that things don't work out. They can't look at some one and be happy, or even let it go, everybody is looking for an opportunity to pull others down.Wherever it is, school,college, your colony, building, office ...wherever!
You are always under scrutiny....being analysed by almost everyone, so that you commit one small mistake, and BOOM!
Small errors get converted into something so HUGE that you probably wouldn't have imagined.
This is my opinion of the world , it's people currently, and it does not look like it will change in near future.
I am sure everybody knew this fact but when it hits you certain times, you just get disillusioned.


filterkaapi said...

spot on!

now dis is not SUPERFICIAL

PerfumesReviewer said...

who was dis about?

freeverse said...

ruhie .... chill ... u sound like me ... out to kill half the population ... this is so not u ... get out of it!!

Anonymous said...

Emm.. It sounded rude, u know..

Dinvra igaluaC said...

u know what..? i totally agree with you...i myself feel totally disgusted with people at times, when their actions say something else, and they think something else..... and i dont think it was rude...once in a while its better u let out your anger in someway...i mean u arent hurting anyone...so that's fine!!!

ruhey said...


ya well..i did get out of tht ...but just wanted to write tht.


I don't think itz rude, it's just whtz on my mind.


ya man,it sux when ppl r like that..
hope u r enjoyin ur trip.

*Dreamy~Piscean* said...

ruhie chuhie...breatheeeee...
u know i luv theeee...
did u forget weeee????

_dirtboy said...


diksha said...
