Jun 16, 2006

A post about????

la la la la
ok my enitre post is not about that.
first of all, I apologise for not updating my blog....was kinda not findin the drive to...now that I do...here goes...
Went for a trek to Rajmachi...had an awesome time..although I was EXHAUSTED!! but amazin fun...met a whole bunch of new people.
college will finally re open..YAY...!!!

I have five books to read:
1. maximum city
2.black friday
3.lord of the rings
4.home and the world.
5.my french text

any suggestion the order I must choose to read...???

I have a few things to do:
1.clean my room
2. update this blog n try to make it a lil interesting
3. study french for an exam
4. go for a bath
5. buy an umbrella

wht shud I omit???

A Poem:

*writer's block*


cant come up with anything!...anyway..all FIFA watchers...GO PORTUGAL GO...GO SPAIN GO...GO BRAZIL GO....GO ITALY GO... basically...anyone but England go!!!


_dirtboy said...

First read LOTR

Skip the bath, wont change matters much.. :p

Lol@failed effort of composing poem


Dinvra igaluaC said...

i think u should first read maximum city....i havent read it..but heard its an amazin book... but if u r all that into fantasy.. then may b lotr...
i think its better u omit buyin the umbrella

Dinvra igaluaC said...

and have you read this book- shantaram??, its a really good book and i think u'll like it..?? The movie has ur favourite johnny depp in the title role..

Anonymous said...

hey Arvind...
I'd like to read tht book..hrd a lot abt it...
keep visiting my blog..

*Dreamy~Piscean* said...

abt the five things::
1.dont even try cleaning ur apartment..u know what happened last time..lol..besides, it will get dirty again whats the point?
2.buy umbrella? which moron does that? gettin wet is the best thing in the world..
3.shower? what are deos for?
4. study for french..do it as long as it involves the french bearded painters and quaint towns...
5.making the blog interesting..that dont try..it can be only as interesting as the writer..and dont know how hard u can to try to change realities...hehehe

and five books to read:
1.can't imagine u drew up that list
2.still can't
3.not sunk in yet
4.why is cosmo not on that list?
5.and french text...maybe worth contemplating...

i know how to do lists work...
i make them all the time

remember the last todo list u made? abt things u wanna do in the summer
how many did u actually manage?

that was a reality check...

and hopefully i fulfilled ur expectations with my comment...
its atleast as long as ur blog...

luv u lots

see i listen to u!

ruhey said...

i did 2 things succesfully outta tht list..so I am better than you!!:p

arrey cosmo list mein nahi hai...cuz itz expensive...yeh sab borrowed maal hai...haha

ya woman..u comment for too long..:p


PerfumesReviewer said...

try sidney shdon's latest 'THE OTHER SIDE OF ME'

filterkaapi said...

try try

Anonymous said...

five point sum1 not featurin in ur list!!!!! its a blast... go read it..

ruhey said...


I have read it...itz a cool book:)

*Dreamy~Piscean* said...

this is ur blog...commenting on ur post...why is it abt me not being as good as u...according to u?
and cooment for too long???
ruh...ka hai taar...
u get all defensive...
its all fun...and timepass..dont get senti..that leave to me...
ps: im bored studying the tragedy of commons...lol

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