Sep 5, 2006

generally speaking


all of em seem new words....just an indication to the fact tht I haven't blogged frm ages...
sumtimes it was the laptop...well most of the times it works when it likes...kinda like me...byt anyway....and I am terribly bored of writing posts which say "i m back!" or "long time no post"


so I have a public relations presentation tomorrow and we are sort of prepared, which is like cool.

and I have seen some really good movies lately, like Hotel Rwanda and Schindler's List, both based on different types of genocide, in different times, at different places, but yet so simlilar, the massacre is so horrendous, these movie will haunt one for quite sumtime after the first viewing.

anyway, read a junior's blog...and got inspired to update mine....!...thanks dude.herez his url

so that's it...and I wont say tht I will update soon....cuz I may not...



Dinvra igaluaC said...

i just saw one hour of schindler's list...and i think its a brilliant movie!!!so, are u supposed to do a presentation on the movies u've watched????

diksha said...


_dirtboy said...

How did it go?
And hotel rwanda is one of the suckiest movies ever made. S's list on the other hand.. Beautiful. No less.
Anyway,hows you?long time since i blogged too..