I had an awesome day today!!!!Did the most amazing thing...
myself, my family and a few other families went to Atlas Beach, Lagos.
The journey was quite interesting, one has to take a boat from a suburb called Victoria Island, the boat ride is a lot of fun, lasts around 10 to 15 mins.
Enter Atlas beach, it's an Island actually, enter Atlas Island, and how does one disembark from the boat, simple..jump into the water!...yep u read correctly, there is no place where you can anchor the boat, so we had to get off on the beach...
First glance, WOW....there were shacks all around...most of them occupied, we ran towards an empty one and conquered it.
changed and jumped into the clean bluish green water...
coming to the most amazing thing...
u guys seen a surfing board, d-uh you have!This board I was swimming on, is similar, but you have to lie flat on your stomach and try going in front...and this is not a surfing board, I think it's called a floating board...
I was lying on my back, the sky staring at my face, soaking up the atlantic sun,and the board floating in tune with the waves, after sumtime I realised that I was in deep waters, and I was drifting away from the shore..then all of a sudden this HUGE wave flips my board ...and there I was, thrown into the water!....it was so awesome, I found my breath and started swimming to the shore...
Later on , I was lying on the sand, thats a different thing that i ended up getting sun burns cuz I forgot to apply sunscreen amidst all the excitement...
MAN... I love beaches and this Equatorial Island blew my mind!
will post more pics soon.
Hey, seems u ARE hvin tons of fun!!
N tc, dunt go arnd gettin sun-burnt every other place u go..
and btw, y two ident posts with diff title??
hey dude
I did have a lotta fun...
i'll not forget my sunscreen nect time
hey! seems like the perfect holiday... i'm planning to chug off to goa next weekend.. unless plans change.. which they might :(
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