May 15, 2006

"The List"

A good Sunday...Alonso won and that made me really very happy.
and I am back..back to my adda..that;p---Bombay..yep
Returned from the African voyage ...was amazin...awesome...has a great time!
If I was on an Oprah Winfrey show i would have simthing like:" the ecperience changed me as a person"
but I aint there..and wudnt hacve sed tht anyway....the truth is it changed my thinking...makes you question lots of things in this world!
anyway....Now I am back to surfin the net more often...doin more timepass...and etc etc...
My plan of action as for now.....
--->sleep( as if that was never there)
----> watch sum more movies
----> bake a cake I think I am good at it....considering the last one was quite good
-----> blog more often
-----> ....
OKAY I accept that list was extremely useless....

will blog again..about something better...


_dirtboy said...

"Totally useless" :d
how insightful...

And "adda".. Lol.U a loca

_dirtboy said...

Local* goon or something?

ruhey said...

ooh yes..I am ...I din tell ya abt my earnings I think.. the hafta collection...???

*Dreamy~Piscean* said...

i want ur cake;)
u better bake me one when i come...
and what earring collection is this?

Anonymous said...

hi 1st tyme commentor here. nice post. and alonso won? i didnt follow the news, but then i'm a schumi fan