May 30, 2006

SAVING??? ya right...

Saw X men- the last stand..
okay this is not a movie review...I just wanna say cool flick..I hadnt seen the first 2 parts..but then it was cool
The best mutant was the chick who could go through walls!!! It was just fascinating...

anyway...So on my way back home...This pal of mine and I decide to save money(after spending 100 bux on a ticket+ 45 bux on coke+45 bux on latte) yea after tht I decide to save money! so we take a bus to our destination.
The bus was CROWDED....and it came after a long there were a lotta ppl..
now for some reason the conductor did not come behind to give us a ticket...and we thought we will take it when appreoching the last stop, by then the congestion will decrease...
SO...the last stop ws there, and by this time the conductor was in the front section of the bus, so when we were getting down, we went upto the conductor and asked him for the ticket( cuz we din intend to travel free of cost)..but the conductor sez"abhi fine bharo"
I was like "wtf!"
So was my pal...
so we got down....argued with tht guy..who was yelling at us for not buying the tickets and claiming that the fine is 200 bux but I am only fining you for 15 bux...!
"ya right" was the look exchanged between I and my friend.
Well, the argument went for about 5 more mins, I tried by best to convice him that WE DID not intend to travel FREE OF COST, and that genuinely the conductor was far away..
but alas, who can argue with them, I thought, damn lets just pay this and get away asap...
So he takes our names , writes it on that fine reciept..and hands it to us...

ALL rickwalas were staring at us...sum wht this on their mind" ya right, travel freely", or more like just plain "hahaha"

WE take the next rick available and leave for our destination....

So there goes my effort to save some money...

Hey but I have a ticket...! did sumthin illegal....guess I can say that.


Anonymous said...

holy shit...who was the other person...both of u r dodos...meaning fools....aadmi ne chutiya banaya...firstly..its the conductors duty to come at the back to collect tikets..if that doesnt happen he has to yell out ki kisko tiket bharna baaki hai..rite??we ve seen dat happen..secondly..the conductor cannot fine in rule wise law wise ...only the ticket collector can do that if u fail to posses a ticket wen asked fo show it.the guys in a blue uniform normally with a cap who often get on buses to check??..maybe diff color combo in thane depending where u were off to...but only TCs can fine u..your money went into the conductors pocket.
be careful next time.

_dirtboy said...

Wah re.. Kya chutiya banaya... I actually laffed for TWO whole minutes,dya know that?

ruhey said...

@ bidi
well..they were in uniforms...


kya kare...nahi dete jo wah se nikal nahi sakte the...too bad I aint the "FACESMASHER" hehe

filterkaapi said...

this post has been removed by the author

PerfumesReviewer said...

Sapie- oversmart..
Bidisha- bingo...
facesmasher- grow some hair..
ruhie- same pinch!!

_dirtboy said...

Ruh: u aint too far from being one,now that your training has almost begun.. :p

goldie: i very much want to. Its Just that my perverted gal likes to lick my bald head as a part of the foreplay..

Anonymous said...


Ambani sister travelling in a bus......!


twisty-scientisty said...

duped!!even I wudve had more brains, and THATS sayin somethin hahaa

*Dreamy~Piscean* said...

all me wanna say...i want to be a part of this stupidity...:O

Nessa said...

awww... u poor doll!

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filterkaapi said...

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Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! »