Jun 2, 2009



Why so? I think it is brilliantly made. Most people can question, yeah so what's the big deal about this film? It's about a guy interviewing a President.
That is the BIG deal. Okay agreed no one knows David Frost. But we all know Richard Nixon. The only President in the history of America to resign from his post. Phew! Yeah, if you have heard, I hope you have, read, and researched on the Water gate scandal, you would know why Nixon resigned.
About the film, the screenplay is amazing, the main event of the film is--the interview. Everything else is a build up and follow up to it. Micheal Sheen has done an excellent job of playing the famous television host David Frost. From his accent, to his demeanor, simply perfect. Frank Langella is brilliant! His portrayal of Nixon was mind blowing. Its probably the first time I have seen how the President would have reacted and behaved after his resignation from the White House, I haven't gotten the chance to watch Nixon, in which Anthony Hopkins plays the President. What stands out in the film is the attempt to communicate to the audience that the interview was not held to insult Nixon publicly, but to get that one apology from him, which is rightfully owed to the American people. In fact, it is said ( I may disagree with this) he was a great leader, and that is the reason why he was elected to be the Statesman, but his methods were not right. One quote which completely shakes the viewer up was 'I'm saying that when the President does it, that means it's *not* illegal!'
This statement is the point when Frost realises he has caught him, and his interview is a clear success.
The build up is engrossing, how Frost zeroed on his researchers, the reasons researchers give for their passion and commitment towards this project, and just the fact that Frost completely fails to deliver in the first three rounds of interviews, giving Nixon the edge. But a phone call made by the President changes several things psychologically for Frost, who was otherwise drowning in hopelessness and self criticism.
The film has a satisfying ending, Frost gets his job back, gets rich and famous. But for Nixon, he simply realised that his life will be much different now on, it was clear end to his political career.
Must watch. A very gripping film indeed!