Jul 25, 2006


I am back! yea baby...
ok..I am aware that I must have lost a lot of readers, some have probably stopped visiting cuz of lack of updates, but I promise I will try and be regular.

Lots of things have happened in the past month.

1.Entry to second year
3.Passed a french exam
6.Freshers party
7.Made new friends

ok that's about it.

and believe it or not, I missed blogging terribily, I don't like express myself through writing a daily diary, or journal, hence blogging seems to be a very good way to the same.

The course is getting competitive by the day. Everyone is trying to prove something everyday, class mates are getting agitated over small things, new friends are being made, old pals are getting to know secrets, groups are getting intensified and the project submissions are around the corner.

Just felt like writing the above, no particular reason.

I love my class , and I hate my class, after a few days I will feel like strangling each one of them, slapping all of them. Then, that feeling will go away, and I will again start thinking 'ah! nice people'. It's a cycle.It doesn't stop.

It is a wonder if even 4 people in the class agree on something.

Enough about my class. Now over to something else.


YEs people, hez the one! The ultimate Pirate, Johnny Depp has done it again! Dead man's chest is one of the most satisfying sequels! Really, hats off to the movie makers!

Ever wondered about the origin of the idea-Pirates of the carribbean??I recently read somewhere, that the movie is based on a theme park ride in Disneyland. Wow, how cool is that, they actually made an entire story, out of an amusement park ride!

That's it for now.

Will update regularly.

Cheers all.


filterkaapi said...

yea, saala excellent Mar-KT-ing strategy. comment on widely-read blogs so dat ppl will automatically folllow suit.
on a lighter note, i'm fortunet 2 b one of those who is always in ur good books ;)

Dinvra igaluaC said...

good to see ..that ur back!!!

Anonymous said...

jack gubbachi

_dirtboy said...

Dead man's chest SUCKED.. Captain Jack does NOT, i repeat, DOES NOT deserve to be gobbled up by a kraken. Neither is he the man who'll trade william in. The movie-makers simply BSed on us..

And congrats on the French exam. Dint know its results were out..

Cant exactly ask what else is up, since u made it a point to jot all of tha stuff down.

Dinvra igaluaC said...
