Mar 19, 2007

Of 300 and Greek Gods

I saw 300 yday
Amazing film...
yea man must watch...!

Spartans ...what a breed of humans! The flick is not the fact but's awesome...lot of blood splashing around..but one gets used to it...or for some reason doesn't mind it.

The grainy look given to the film has just changed the basics of it's overall appearance.

The hues of Golden, Bronze are used very intelligently. They just enhance the effect of the surroundings.

I wish those places were real...but most of them are created in a studios.

Greek and Roman mythology is very interesting. Greeks and Romans worshipped pretty much the same Gods but with different names.

Greek name Roman Equivalent

Zeus Jupiter

Hera Juno

Herakles Hercules

Krono Saturn

Hermes Mercury

Ares Mars

Aphrodite Venus

Eros Cupid

Dionsis Bacchus

Demeter Ceres

but some like Apollo, Iris remain the same...there are so many greek Gods and Goddess ...and the stories behind every incident is worth knowing!
and I am gonna read abt it more and more in the coming days.

1 comment:

Metal said...

I would like to add my 2 pence:

The greek god of boredom : Abhinavius !!